Pastor's Care Day

Our Pastor’s Care Day, provided by the Mental Health Training Institute affiliated with the Washington Multicultural Counseling Center at Washington University of Virginia, offers a caregiving program that provides rest for weary pastors in ministry. We encourage you to recommend pastors or apply yourself for a time of rest for body, mind, and spirit.

저희 버지니아 워싱턴 대학교 산하 워싱턴 다문화 상담소의 부속 기관인
정신건강 훈련 교육원에서 제공하는 목회자 케어데이는
사역에 지친 목회자들에게 쉼을 제공하는 돌봄 프로그램입니다.
추천하시거나 신청하셔서 몸과 마음과 영혼의 쉼을 얻어가시기 바랍니다.

Pastor’s Care Day Program

  • Various seminars (stress management, caring for adult children, etc.)
  • Enjoyment of music/performances and voice coaching, art therapy, and other self-care programs
  • Snacks and meals will be provided.
  • Relaxing walks and rest in a peaceful environment (North Fork Shenandoah River)
  • Campfire

Schedule: Monday, November 15th, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Location: Shenandoah Family Retreat Center, 895 Fishers Rd, Toms Brook, VA 22660

Eligibility: Currently serving pastors (COVID-19 vaccination required)

Capacity: Limited to 15 participants (first-come, first-served basis)

Cost: Free, sponsored by the Lilly Endowment Inc. Grant


Contact Jinse Kim at